Generator Set Philippines: Different Types of Rocks to Use

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The Different Types of Rock You Can Utilize on the Construction Site

March 22, 2018

What are the different rock types you can utilize on the construction site?

  1. Basalt
  2. Granite
  3. Marble
  4. Sandstone
  5. Quartzite
  6. Slate
  7. Shale

Heavy equipment like bulldozers and backhoes and generator sets in the Philippines are essential to the developing landscape and infrastructure. They are largely responsible for the growth the country has experienced in terms of urbanization, but equally important are the materials that are required to build the structures themselves.

A mixer would be useless without cement, as a vibro compactor would be without rocks. The type and the quality of the materials are every bit as vital as well, as they determine how long a structure holds up over time. Materials like steel can be manufactured, but with rocks, there isn’t much to work with other than its type and shape—which means that there are always appropriate types of rocks for every specific structure.

In this article, the different types of rocks that can be utilized in construction sites will be discussed.

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Basalt is an igneous rock that is usually black. It is one of the most abundant types of rock on Earth. The most common uses of basalt include pavements, roads, and railroad ballasts, where they are crushed into small, fine pieces.

Additionally, basalt is exceptionally resistant to fire—it will not melt when subjected to heat for extended periods of time, making it an excellent construction material.

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Source: David Monniaux


Like basalt, granite is an igneous rock. It can be distinguished as a type of rock with crystals that are visible to the naked eye.

Granite blocks are used in some buildings, where they can be rough on some sides and smooth on the others, or rough on all sides. The combination of both results in walls with tightly fitting joints, but have a rough surface texture.

Granite is also known as a “permanent” rock which stands the test of time. It has been used in various monuments such as Mount Rushmore in the United States and the Rizal Monument in the Philippines.

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Marble is a metamorphic rock which is the result of limestone being subjected to heat and pressure. It is usually bright in color and is commonly recognized as a symbol of elegance and art.

As such, marble is used in interior design and royal buildings like the Taj Mahal. Because marble is in the lower half of the hardness scale, it is relatively soft compared to other rocks, and is thus used in works of art such as statues and vases.

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Sandstone is one of the most used materials in construction sites because of its abundance and characteristics. A sedimentary rock usually composed of quartz and feldspar, sandstone is extremely durable and quite easy to process.

Sandstone walls built by combining crushed sandstone pieces the size of a fist are remarkably tough, and are able to withstand extreme natural forces such as earthquakes and typhoons.

Sandstone is also used in pavements—it is cheaper than granite and marble, but is just as superb in the aesthetic aspect.

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Source: Siim Sepp


When sandstone is subjected to heating and pressure, the result is quartzite. Also known as quartz stone, quartzite is one of the hardest types of rocks.

Small to medium-sized pieces of quartzite stone are typically put together to create pillars that are strong enough to support very large amounts of weight.

In addition to its high level of hardness, quartz stone is also a popular decorative material. Other uses of quartzite include kitchen and restroom countertops, and floor tiles.

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Source: Learning Geology


Slate is a metamorphic rock that is mainly composed of clay, and amounts of quartz, feldspar, and other minerals. Its color commonly ranges from light to dark gray, though it rarely occurs in other shades like green or red—its color is determined by the amount and type of iron and organic material present in the rock.

Slate performs remarkably well as roofing tiles, because it can be cut into thin sheets, and absorbs very minimal moisture. It also holds well against freezing water, but can be costly when compared to other roofing materials.

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Shale is a sedimentary rock that is the result of the compaction of silt and clay-size mineral particles. It is made up of many thin layers, and the rock can be split into those layers.

Shale is a raw material used in making bricks, tiles, and pottery, among other things. Modern brick houses and roads, as well as some tile roofs, have shale as a component. Aside from bricks, shale is also used in making cement, which is a core material in making concrete.

Key Takeaway

Society today is quickly progressing and heading towards modernity, which is primarily because of the presence of heavy equipment—such as bulldozers, crushers, and generator sets—in the Philippines. They are vital to the development of landscape and infrastructures.

The strength of a structure depends on how well it was built and the quality of the materials used in its construction. The types of rocks used depending on the project are especially important, as every specific type of rock serves its own purpose. Some rocks are better for strength and structure while others are superior for design and function, and it is important that the head of the project know precisely which materials to use.

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