Around the World with MB Crusher

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From high altitude peaks to distant islands, MB Crusher’s units bring solutions and advantages to any job site

MB Crusher’s headquarters is in Italy, in a town less than 62 miles from Venice. The units are designed and produced then travel to the companies and industry professionals all over the world who deal in construction, demolition, road work and earth moving. From the imposing mountains in Tibet and the Americas, from the Caribbean to Iceland, from snow covered Siberia to the sunny deserts of Saudi Arabia, it’s easy to travel around the world with MB Crusher’s units.

We start with tall mountain ranges. What about this location makes it difficult to work in? Inaccessible locations, difficulty when transporting materials, it’s expensive, and assistance is too far away.

In Tibet, our customer works in the road construction industry, with a job site at 12,467 feet above sea level, in a remote area with spectacular scenery. Using a BF70.2 crusher bucket, the company crushed road waste, produced material, and reused it as foundation for new projects. They obtained logistical and monetary advantages: with MB’s excavator crusher, they’ve eliminated the cost of procuring material for future jobs.


Changing continents, travel to America, specifically Montana. At their location, our customer used their BF120.4 crusher bucket to process the glacial erratics they previous excavated before crushing them down and reusing the material on site. With the unit, they saved how often their trucks needed to go up and down the mountains and how much material they needed for their project. They saved time and money, helping them become more productive on their job site. Video:

Our tour continues as we travel to different islands, all are far from each other but share the same challenges: transportation costs and struggling to obtain materials.

In Iceland, among spectacular landscapes dominated by volcanoes and geysers, the MB-S23 screening bucket installed on Caterpillar 345C was the best tool to select large quantities of basalt and immediately obtain fill that will be used to help construct a hydroelectric plant.

On the other side of the world, on the islands in the Lesser Antilles, Saint Kitts and Nevis, we have two of MB Crusher’s units working on an important redevelopment project in the area. The company in charge of the project needed to renovate the old colonial buildings and rearrange the landscape. The MB-S18 screening bucket was installed on a Caterpillar 320L and separated the dirt from the leaves and undergrowth: the separated material is reused directly on site to help maintain the landscape. On the other hand, the BF90.3 crusher bucket is used to crush the Nevis stone, a stone local to the islands and a type of hard granite with volcanic origins. Once crushed, the stone is reused to fill the excavations necessary to construct the buildings and to build the basement for the road network. Video:

High transportation expenses and difficulties finding materials accompany our world tour, even on locations where it’s normal to have extreme temperatures, changing how you can work on the job site.

Layers of snow as far as the eye can see and thermometers that read -58° F during the day, almost empty roads, mountains, and forests to cross: thanks to MB Crusher, a company in Siberia brought their BF70.2 crusher bucket and their MB-S14 screening bucket without struggling with transportation costs.  With the units, they recycled aggregates of different sizes and reused them to maintain internal roads.


Something similar happened in Saudi Arabia with its 122°F in the summer and come with mountainous and desert locations, where a BF90.3 crusher bucket was used to work in most inaccessible places of a quarry and therefore not reachable by traditional vehicles. Video:

Then there are locations where their exports are appreciated, especially when it comes to excellent wine. Our world tour ends with a visit to Italy and France where MB Crusher’s units are chosen to dispose of the vineyard posts at the end of the harvest season. A great way to save time on the job site which translates into an economic and environmental advantage. And to celebrate the end of this journey? A glass of excellent wine! Video:

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