How to Winterize Your Equipment Fleet

If you’re the owner or manager of a company with construction machinery operating in cold climates, you know the challenges that cold weather presents. When the ground starts freezing and the snow starts falling, conditions rapidly change. In no time, you could be weathered in and stopped in your tracks.

Four-season climates in the northern regions like the central mid-west, Canada and Alaska have entirely different operating parameters than in the south or the continent’s coastal areas. Your machinery needs special attention if you expect to perform below zero. It also requires proper preparation for seasonal storage.

Whether you intend to slug it out in the snow or send your equipment to the shed, winterizing it is a must. Storing equipment for the winter or preparing for winter equipment operation takes some forethought and organization. To help you with wintering equipment, here is some valuable information on fleet winterizing.

Jump to a section:

  • Why Winterize Your Equipment?
  • Storing Your Equipment During Winter
  • Tips For Winter Equipment Use
  • Fleet Winterizing Checklists
  • What Happens When You Don’t Winterize Your Equipment?

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